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V is for V Bottoms!

V is for V Bottoms!

18.03.2015 | Bird's Boards
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Introduction: As I write this I find myself wishing I had taken notes along the way. There are details that got lost in the mix, comments made by many...
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How To Enjoy iSurfedThere!

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The IST Mission Statement

The IST Mission Statement

06.08.2013 | welcome!
55555 Hits : 7879
The mission of is to create an association of like minded people who enjoy surfing and the surfing lifestyle. The purpose of the website is to become a place...
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The mission of is to create an association of like minded people who enjoy surfing and the surfing lifestyle. The purpose of the website is to become a place for the association's members to share their real life surfing experiences with others, to explore new possibilities for future surfing travels, and to reach out to others who are searching for or offering surf gear, accommodations, or services in the global marketplace.

The website is expressly not a place to expose "secret spots"; therefor everyone should post new surf breaks at their own discretion - use your best judgement in this regard. 

Eventually the website will also become the online hub for the association's future real world events, including parties, expression sessions, contests, beach cleanups, movie showings, surf swap meets, and whatever else our members come up with.

Please join us in this vision by registering on the site, creating your profile, and making connections with fellow members. We look forward to having you on board!


More on the site's history, directly from Glen:

It all started when I was driving up to doheny one day 8 or so years ago. Driving up the coast and saw one of those vintage canned ham trailers that had that sticker of the USA outlined states. The ones that you put a sticker in the states you've traveled in. Later that day I saw a plumbing truck that had a chalkboard painted on the back that showed the days surf forecast temp etc. The wheels started turning. I started thinking about all the places I've surfed, and how it would be cool to have a place where I could go and see other places I wanted to surf. Talk with people who have surfed there and get info in that break.

There were lots of surf websites, but nothing that was a community, no one place you could you could go to check the surf, see pictures and videos, create an event etc... I decided it needed to be created.

I turned to my close friend Vince, who is a technical genius and surfing buddy to collaborate on the project.

We tried many platforms, but nothing could really do everything we wanted. Finally we decided on a platform and there was lots of tweaking, refining and outsourcing. 

We now have a working model, but still needs some work that is beyond us. We want to share our love and passion for all things surf (history, awareness, travel, art, music) with the world. Create a place where everyone can go, to talk story and meet like minded surfers. A place where you can swap sofa surfing accommodations, ie find someone in Hawaii who wants to surf where you live and make arrangements to have them come stay with you and you stay with them.

Please help us make this dream a reality for us, for you, and for everyone.



Vince's take:

Even though I'm a fourth generation San Diegan and I had messed around on my uncle's surfboards when I was young, it wasn't until my mid 30's when my buddy Glen dragged me down to Tourmaline Surf Park that I really got the bug, and I boy got it BAD. When I realized how much fun I had missed out on over the years, I knew I had a lot of catching up to do! When Glen told me about his idea for IST, the first word out of my mouth was "brilliant!" - sort of a mashup of Facebook, Meetup, Expedia, and, only tailored specifically to our fellow surfers.

This was several years ago, and in that time our ideas for the site have continued to evolve. If you read our mission statement, you'll discover that we envision IST to be more than just a website (in fact I think people should generally spend a lot more time surfing and less time online!), but more imporantly a web portal to allow surf communities to coordinate for all kinds of real world surf activities, from expression sessions to beach cleanups, movie nights to swap meets, and so on.

Glen and I have had a blast spinning vintage vinyl at surf contests and other functions the past few years as the BusBrothersDJs, and in the near future we will begin hosting IST events. We even want to open an IST "clubhouse" here in San Diego where people can hang out, talk surfing, hold impromptu art exhibitions, organize events, drink lots of coffee, and do pretty much anything that is lawful, fun, and related to surfing in some way or another - and we want to see that idea spread everywhere people ride waves.

Right now we're at the point where the site is functional and doing most of what we want it to. We're really stoked on the classified ads section, which we envision as a hub of activity for surf travelers everywhere. There are still some features to add and technical hurdles to overcome, including adding live member chat, making the site template user customizable, making it easier for people to add breaks to their profile, making a more comprehensive FAQ/How To section, and most importantly making mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Anyhow, we're super stoked to get this project into high gear, and we'd be honored if you join us!
