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V is for V Bottoms!

V is for V Bottoms!

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V.V.V. Session started by V.V.V., on Saturday, 20 April 2019 12:17

Surfed Pump with about a thousand other people this morning, including Ron Greene and Bob Peacock of @PBSC and my good bud Ryan aka @azukiBEAN.

After more than a few decent little waist lefts through all the flotsam and jetsam on the inside, Ryan and I both noticed the peak shifting north a bit, meaning there were some open corners to be had, and that they might connect all the way across to the bathrooms, which always a goal on any Pumphouse left!

He dropped into one out on the shoulder so I slotted in right behind him. We tore the fabric of space/time to shreds as our boards both reached the zenith of their velocitical capabilities, surely at least twice as fast as the speed of smell. Seeing as I was on Nico Gabriel's 1967 G&S SS model, this was some serious **** going down! Ryan's 8' Simmons is no slouch when it comes to emulating a French bullet train either!

At some point the wave decided that it needed to really pick up the pace before closing out, because you see there was this really important delivery of sand molecules that were needed at just this one certain spot along the shoreline, and if they didn't get there at just the right time, Nature would lose big brownie points in the eyes of its Creators. So that's what it did!

My feet told me that if I was going to go with the flow, I had better move them forward up into the Step Deck with Yellow Slip Check Zone right quick, or ELSE! So style be damned (just like Bob McTavish, only goofy foot and tall and skinny and brown hair and nowhere close to being famous, but other than that just like 1967 Bob in my mind), I got my ass up there ASAP. Right about then Ryan was just pulling off a nice left fade back out toward the shoulder after a little cutback, so I stepped back a bit and straightened her out to avoid any rail bashing, and there was that moment when our boards swooped away from each other that they formed a brief double swoosh like some corporate logo that I cant recall at the moment.

We were so jazzed that we did it again, only this time with me out front, and afterward he told me that at some point he was up high in the lip behind me, looking down on me as I hung ten in my mind while actually riding a good 12" away from real glory. Still, I was flying! Thanks for returning the favor, bro!

Of course it wasn't long before throngs of people noticed what was going on, and before we knew it, our little "session within a session" was over. All in a great time anyhow! Yew!

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